Saturday, May 26, 2012

A Miracle For Alice Arron's story

Arron talks about how when he was young his mom and his relation was very uptight because his father was a doctor he had to work incredibly hard at everything. It didn't matter if it was extra classes to pull up grades or if it was piano lessons which his mom always stayed to watch him learn a whole song. Arron feels that the pressure was really high as a child do he became very competitive with everyone. He remembers when once his mother saw a test he took he scored 94% but he never finished the last question she instantly broke down into tears.
Once Arron was in Middle School he started to rebel he didn't feel that he wanted his mom to map out his life. He paused with everything and started to skip classes but why he was doing this was simply to try to find himself. Arron dropped from top10 to 100s and he felt he doesn't regret it.
The character He Ting Yu's character in the ending really reminds him of himself especially when it comes to the mother son relationship towards the ending and he was really scared if he was out back into the situation he would find himself caught there again. But he felt very lucky to have such a lint crew that kept him there by continually saying "You know when to stop!"

Who said idols don't have a past that is just like ours this proves it idols or not everyone has a Miracle to chase!

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