Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Jiro Wang's Album Debut continual friends support

Jiro Wang is handsome but his friends don't loose either! Dylan Kuo and Mike He have both separately already told their good buddy they've bought the albums and waited for Jiro to sign them! Also Mike has made continual appears on promotional shows Jiro has went on. One of which was 10 o'clock super idol house where Blackie and Dou Hua Mei both host and hear about each detail that the star has suffered to finish their dreams.
Jiro expressed it was true his senior year in high school his father had passed away and that his last words were "Whenever you ever find someone you really love you need to hold her hand very tight just like I hold your mothers." Jiro who always says he will do anything for his mother was rather taken aback when his mother did tell him once "No matter how much you love will not be like your father." The mother-son relationships in Fahrenheit is all very strong...Jiro cherishes his mom more than anything and expressed if she was to disappear I'd have nothing.
Jiro also thanked the producers of his newest drama "Sister Keep Going" for buying 50copies of his album; he had them all signed and sent to them!

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