Saturday, September 12, 2015

"Lady of the Dynasty" Magazine photos released fans crying hard

The Lady of the dynasty was a beauty, she is elegant and cunning, poise and graceful but man these photos have Fan Bing Bing and Wu Chun living up to their titles, still some of the greatest faces in the industry!

When these photos were released not too long after the release of Lady of the Dynasty last month, many of Fan's fans were calling out for her partner Li Chen. And as for Daddy Wu Chun, many fans were just calling out how handsome of a dad he was.
But umm...I am sure someone mentioned his daughter "neinei" at least once, she wouldn't have let this one slide I'm sure. Cunning little neinei would ask him "...Daddy who is this?"
*she is so cute* (off topic sorry haha)

Regardless the netizen reviews on this movie has been great, both Fan and Wu's fans have gracefully applauded everyone's amazing performance. And even the original cast member WangLeeHom (supposed to be playing Wu's character) spoke out upon how excited he was to see this movie finally hit the audience. 

Well, I cannot wait till it is released so I can own it myself and watch it too!!!


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